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Q: What emperor hey did Christians?
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Why wouldn't christians worship the Roman Emperor?

The roman emperor is not a god...

The roman emperor who declared religious freedom for the christians?

Emperor Constantine.

Under which Roman emperors were Christians persecuted?

It seems likely that Decius (249-251) was the first Roman emperor to officially persecute Christians.AnswerYou could loosely say it was Nero, although he did not persecute them for their faith, but for the crime of arson. Some authorities say there was a persecution under the emperor Domitian, other doubt this. The major persecutions came under the emperors Decius, Valerian and Diocletian.

Which Roman Emperor endorsed Christianity and made it the official Roman religion?

Constantine was the first emperor to *accept* Christianity but he did *not* make it the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine did put a stop to Christian persecution, returned Christian property from pagans and reduced support for pagan religion.On February 27 380 Theodosius I "... declared "Catholic Christianity" the only legitimate imperial religion, ending state support for the traditional Roman religion."This was over 40 years after Constantine had died.Christian persecutions still continued - those following other variants of it.

Why did Romans Emperor's persecute Christians?

Christians refused to worship Roman gods.

What emperor ended the persecutions of the christians?

It was Constantine.=== ===

Under which Roman Emperor did Christians first become a target of the Romans?

Nero was the emperor who fed to the lions, burned alive, and crucified Christians of the early church. He was also emperor when Rome burned to the ground.

Who was the roman governor who wrote to the emperor seeking guidance about what to do with Christians?

The Roman governor who wrote seeking guidance about what to do with Christians was Pliny the Younger. He wrote to the emperor Trajan.

What Roman Emperor was responsible for enacting a series of laws which would guarantee Christians freedom to practice their religion?

Constantine was the emperor who enacted a law giving religious freedom to the Christians.

Who was domition?

He is an emperor who was cruel on his actions and killed a lot of Christians...

Which emperor is known as the greatest persecutor of christians?

Marcus Aurelius

Who was the emperor who ended the persicution of Christians?

The Roman Emporer Constanitine