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Q: What empire did Julius Caesar rule for?
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Did Caesar rule the Persia empire?

Yes, Julius Caesar did rule Rome. :)

What empire did Julius Caesar rule over?

the roman empire.

What type of government was there during Julius Caesar's rule?

When Julius Caesar ruled the ancient Roman empire it was a dictatorship.

How did Julius Caesar rule the rull the roman empire?

by keeping prosperity

Is Julius Caesar a ruler of Greece or Rome?

Julius Caesar was a Roman ruler but he could be said to rule Greece too, because Greece was part of the Roman empire in Caesar's time.

How did Julius Caesar's rule lead to the end of the Roman Empire?

It went on for 1500 years after his death.

Who was Julius Caesar and why do you care?

Julius Caesar was the ruler of the roman empire

When did Julius Caesar rule?

He ruled the Roman Empire as a dictator from 49BC to 44BC.

What civilization did Julius Caesar rule?

the civilization julius caesar ruled was rome

Why was Julius Caesar stabed once by each friend?

That statement is false. Julius Caesar was not stabbed once by each friend; but 26 times by a single man during his rule. After Julius' murder, the empire went downhill.

How absolute rule relate to Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar wanted to be addressed as dictator for eternity. He wanted limitless power.

How can Augustus Caesar rule be distinguished from Julius Caesar's?

Julius was a dictator. Augustus was an emperor.