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Q: What empire was allied to Napoleon?
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In 1810 napoleon had signed alliance with prussia the Austrian empire and the Russian empire what countries shown on the map were not allied with napoleon?

With the map I have the answers are Portugal, Sioily, Sardinia, and Great Britain

What regions made up Napoleon realm?

The regions that made up Napoleon's realm were France, parts of Italy, and parts of present day Croatia and Bosnia. He also had many countries allied with him including the empire of Austria and Hungary, Denmark, and Norway

What state weren't allied with Napoleon?


What is napoleon's unified law system called?

allied states

What were Napoleon's Major accomplishments?

Napoleon made the napoleon code and extended the french empire alot=)

What nations remained allied against napoleon in 1812?

On June 22,1812, when Napoleon invaded Russia, Great Britain, Russia, Sweden and the army of Spanish guerrilla, remained allied against him.

What war did napoleon finally get defeated who led the allied forces?

Napoleon was finally defeated in 1815, at the Battle of Waterloo. The allied forces was led by the 1st Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley.

What did Napoleon call his empire?

Its called The First French Empire.

What empire did Napoleon defeat in 1797?

The Austrian Empire.

What did Napoleon turn France into?

An Empire.

How did Napoleon get his empire?

By force of arms.

In 1810 napoleon had signed alliances with prussia the Austrian empire and the russia n empire.what countries shown on the map were not allied with napoleon or controlled by him?

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