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Q: What enabled India to make contact with the outside world in the sixth century B.C.E.?
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How did India's land And maritime contact with the world helpful to its trade and culture?

because It had some contact with the outside world. This would include thespice TRADE and when colonizing some of world.

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The riches of India in the 19th century was their spices.

Which bank has highest branches outside India?

SBI has many branches outside india..State bank of india

How can you get job outside of India?

One way that you can get a job outside of India is to work on your education. Determine what you wish to do, then apply to schools in the country where you wish to work. If you have already completed your education, you can contact companies in your field and apply to work with them. You will need a work VISA to enter other countries.

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Zoroastrians migrated from Persia to India in the 8th century.

Can you do law outside India and then practice in India?

Yes,he or she can do it...

Summerize the indapendence movements thst took place in india africa and china?

Beginning the late 19th century people in European colonies in India, Africa and China began to bristle at outside rule. They fought hard for their independence.

When did foreigners first make contact with the Chinese?

There is no absolute and specific answer. It is believed that Alexander the Great first sent a troop of army to the now India and encountered Chinese people who were trading with India back in 4 century BC. But it has no proof.

Which new religion came to India in the eighth century?

Islam was introduced in India in the eighth century. The religion was originally introduced to India by traders from the Arabian Sea.

How did the cultural revival in India in the 19th century begin?

Swami Vivekananda is responsible for the revival of Hinduism of 19th century India.