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Q: What energy conversion happens when green plants use energy from the sun to make sugar?
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Green plants perform which type of energy conversion?

solar to chemical energy

What is the role in photosynthiesis?

A very short and basic answer: It is the conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy in green plants.

Which process best shows the conversion of solar energy to chemical energy?

Green plants making their own food.

What happens when plants photosynthesise?

They take the sun's energy and with chloroplasts (which make plants green) turn the sun's energy into sugar.

What happens to green plants if they dont have sunlight?

The chloroplasts would produce more energy.

What happens to the energy in a green plant when it is consumed by a deer?

From solar energy to plants: The plant captures part of the light energy from the Sun, and stores it as chemical energy.Plants to animals: To a great extent, there is no energy conversion here. The animal just "captures" the chemical energy stored by the plant. Some energy, however, is wasted, for example for digestion.

How do organisms utilized the stored energy from green plants?

how do organisms utilize the stored energy from green plants

From where do green plants get energy?

The energy for photoshythesis in plants come from the sun.

Why do green plants photosynthesise?

Green plants photosynthesize to create energy. They are green due to chlorophyll.

Green plants use what kind of energy during photosynthesis?

The Green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy and with the help of cholorophyll they produse their food.

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When animals eat green plants the stored what in the plants is transformed?

in energy