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Q: What energy conversion in your body enable you to get out of bed in the morning?
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What energy conversion allows you to get out of bed in the morning?

The same energy conversions that lets us do anything else. We get chemical energy from the food we eat; this is stored in our body until it is converted to muscle energy (mechanical energy).

How sugar is that energy used in your body be specific about the conversion that occurs?

chemical energy is good to our body

What energy conversion is going on in the body as energy from food is turned into fat?

You start to weigh more.

What type of energy conversion is going on in the body as energy from food is turned into fat?

thermal to chemical

What is the energy conversion while liting a match stick?

Chemical energy in your body to the Gravitational Potential Energy of the match stick.

Is food being digested and used to regulate body temperature A conversion of chemical energy to thermal energy?

yes because the rainbow dancing unicorn burns the inside of a humans body when food is digested so there is a conversion from the chemical to thermal energy.

Describe an energy conversion involving chemical energy?

The chemical energy of food is converted into kinetic energy when you are active, and thermal to maintain body temperature.

What is the approximate percentage efficiency of conversion of food energy to ATP energy in the body?

The body converts the chemical energy of food to the chemical energy of ATP with about 50 percent efficiency, radiating the rest as heat.

Describe the conversion of chemical energy to mechanical energy in your body?

We burn energy stored from food in our bonds between atoms. That energy converts into muscle energy to move our bodies.

The high body temperature of birds and mammals is due to?

Conversion of energy to heat during metabolism

What is the conversion of chemical energy to mechanical energy in your body?

I'm assuming it is digestion. I'm on the same question in this science packet at the moment :P

What do carbohydrates turn into in the body?

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (simple sugar), and then converted to energy (ATP) that your body uses.