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Q: What energy is transferred when you turn on an iron?
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What is transeferred from producers to consumers and decomposers through food chains?

Energy is transferred in a food chain. It starts with plants absorbing energy from the sun. It is then transferred up through the food chain by animals that eat plants which are, in turn, eaten by carnivore's.

When might kinetic energy turn into sound energy?

When you drop a rock and it hits the side walk it makes a sound. Kinetic energy transferred to sound energy.

How does Kinetic Energy turn a turbine?

That's actually quite simple: Kinetic energy is movement energy, so the movement is simply transferred to a turbine.

What is transferred from organism to organism in a food chain?

energy is transferred from on animal to the other animal. Because energy can't be destroyed only transferred

How does energy transfer through a jack in the box?

energy transfers through a jack in the box by when you turn the handle you are transferring energy into the spring and the more yu turn the handle the more energy that is being transferred to the spring to make it wotk.

How is wind energy transferred?

Wind energy is transferred by wind mills.

What is the rate at which the energy is transferred?

The rate at which energy is transferred is called POWER

Energy transferred by waves or rays?

Yes, energy can be transferred that way.

How is energy transferred into an inclined plane?

Energy is transferred into an inclined by effort

How is energy transferred in the environment?

Energy is transferred into the environment by the sun. The sun provides the base energy for all ecosystems in the world. Plants turn sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Then, animals eat the plants for energy, and other animals eat those animals and other animals eat THOSE animals and so forth.Another way to look at it is to say that energy is transferred into the environment whenever you burn fossil fuels.