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Q: What energy level is less abundant?
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How does the amount of energy available at one level of an energy pyramid compared to the next level up?

The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid . As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available than the level below.

Each trophic level has how much less energy?

It has about 10% less energy.

Does Romania have an abundant energy source?

Romania has energy resources but not so abundant.

What is meant by the term energy pyramid?

It is when there is most energy at the producer level and each level you move up there is less energy.

Is the striped skunk abundant?

No, they are less abundant.

How much energy is available at each level of energy pyrimaid?

The higher the pyramid gets the less energy each level receives so you get 10%at each level that the energy is consumed

Why does each level in a food chain contains less energy than the level below?

Because each consecutive levels contains fewer organisms than the level below

Do people in Romania have on abundant energy source?

Now Romania hasn't an abundant source of energy.

How does the amount of energy available at one level of an energy pyramid compare to the amount of energy available to the next level?

The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid . As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available than the level below.

What energy source in most abundant in the USA?

Coal is the most abundant in the USA

Does Germany have abundant energy?


What is abundant energy source?
