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Nuclear fusion.

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Q: What energy source would allow the sun to shine 5 billion years?
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Related questions

How old is Nuclear Energy?

Some 13.7 billion years - all stars shine by nuclear energy.

Can a planet shine by its own?

An object requires a source of energy to shine. The Earth does not. Pictures of the Earth are always taken with the reflection of the Suns energy - similar to how you see the Moon.

Is solar power a renewable source?

Yes. Solar is called "renewable". The Sun will continue to shine for another 5 billion years or so.

How long does the sun shine?

Our sun will shine for another 5 billion years

How long will renewable energy last?

A sustainable resource means it will last for ever, or for as long as humans renew the source.

How the sun works?

If you mean, "how does it gets its energy", it gets its energy from nuclear fusion - fusing hydrogen-1 to helium-4. It still has enough fuel to shine a few billion years more.

Why is solar energy considered inexhaustible source of energy?

Solar energy relies on the amount of sunshine its collectors receive. The Sun is expected to shine far into the future, making it an essentially inexhaustible supplier of solar energy.

Which is a renewable energy source?

Geothermal ( apex )

Is solar energy inexhaustible energy resource?

Solar energy relies on the amount of sunshine its collectors receive. The Sun is expected to shine far into the future, making it an inexhaustable supplier of solar energy.A:No source of energy is inexhaustible.

Will the sun always shine?

The sun has already been shining for several billion years but will eventually begin to dim and then stop shining, as it runs out of hydrogen to convert into other elements, with the release of energy. This will not occur for several billion years yet - too long for us to worry about.

Is solar energy indefinite?

Solar energy is considered an indefinite energy source because it is derived from the sun, which is expected to last for billions of years. As long as the sun continues to shine, we can harness solar energy for electricity generation.

What are characteristic of planets?

planets do not shine with their own energy but shine because of energy of stars. they revolve around stars