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Q: What energy takes place when a match gets struck?
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Which energy transformation takes place in a match head when light the match?

The mechanical energy used to strike a match is transformed first to thermal energy. The thermal energy causes the particles in the match to release stored chemical energy, which is transformed to thermal energy and the electromagnetic energy you see as light.

What energy takes place in a matchstick?

Initially the plain old match stick is heated by frictional forces as the match is struck. This heat ignited the compound on the match head with the required temperature of ignition is reached. The heat transfer process is conduction. The lit match emits heat energy by radiation. It also will produce heating of the air by conduction and convection.

What energy takes place when using scissors?

Kinetic Energy takes place, due to the fact you apply energy to the scissors.

What takes place in the mitochondria and chloroplasts?

Chemical energy of glucose is stored in ATP by mitochondria.Light energy is stored as chemical energy in glucose by chloroplasts.

What energy transformations takes place when wood is burned?

Well the energy transformation that takes place when wood is burned is CHEMICAL ENERGY---> THERMAL ENERGY.

What energy change takes place in a computer?

electronic energy.

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Kinetic energy

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A form of energy can't 'take place'. An energy changetakes place, in this case from electrical energy to light.

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makes energy