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having a monarch who also was a religious leader violated the separation of church and state

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Zula Muller

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A document that reflects john Locke's ideas of the government's obligation to protect the people's natural rights to ''life,liberty,and property"

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Government should exist only if the people allow it. (apex)

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Q: What enlightenment's ideas are reflected in the declaration of independents?
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What Enlightenment thinker's ideas are clearly reflected in the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke.

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Words about equality in the Declaration of Independence reflected the Enlightenment ideas of?

natural rights

Which of these was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment?

The American Revolution was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment, such as individual liberty, natural rights, and the role of government to protect these rights. The revolution aimed to establish a government based on these principles, as reflected in documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence for the 13 colonies with justification from enlightenments ideas?

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to unite the colonies. Thomas Jefferson drew on many people of inspiration. Those people were some famous motivators before his time in England, Scotland, and elsewhere. Some of those people would be John Locke, Algernon Sidney, and Samuel Rutherford.

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They reflected thee answer's in writing

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The Declaration of Independence

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Question: where did the writers of the declaration of independence get there ideas from Answer: they got there main ideas listed in a book

Where did Jefferson get his ideas for the Declaration of Independence?

the committee apointed to write a declaration of independence.

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ow are the ideas of mercantilism relflected in our economy today

how did the french declaration of the rights of man and citizen relate to Locke's Enlightenment ideas?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen guaranteed religious freedom, the freedom of speech and the press, and personal security, It said that people have natural and inalienable rights (liberty, property, personal security, and resistance to oppression), and every man is presumed innocent until he is proved guilty.