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Q: What enlightenment was most influenced in french and American revolution?
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What revolutions were influenced by the enlightenment?

The American Revolution, French Revolution, and Latin American independence movements were influenced by the Enlightenment. Ideas of liberty, equality, and democracy spread by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Voltaire inspired these revolutionary movements.

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the french?

How the Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution was by challenging the monarchy and the wealthiest classes .

What two revolutions did the Enlightenment Era directly influenced?

The Enlightenment Era directly influenced the American Revolution and the French Revolution. It promoted ideas of liberty, individual rights, and the rejection of absolute monarchy, which were central to both revolutionary movements.

The Enlightenment influenced revolutions in which countries?

The Enlightenment influenced revolutions in countries such as the United States, France, and Haiti. In the United States, Enlightenment ideas of liberty and individual rights shaped the American Revolution. In France, Enlightenment philosophy contributed to the French Revolution, calling for political and social reforms. In Haiti, Enlightenment ideas of equality and freedom inspired the Haitian Revolution against colonial rule.

How are the Enlightenment and the American and French revolution connected?

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that promoted ideas such as liberty, equality, and democracy, which influenced the American and French Revolutions. These revolutions were inspired by Enlightenment ideals of individual rights, religious freedom, and the rejection of absolute monarchy. Many of the key figures in the American and French Revolutions were influenced by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau.

Which revolutions did the enlightenment inspire?

The Enlightenment inspired several revolutions, including the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Haitian Revolution. These movements were influenced by Enlightenment ideals such as liberty, equality, and individual rights, which challenged existing systems of government and led to significant social and political change.

What 2 revolutions were directly affected by the enlightenment ideas?

American Revolution and French Revolution. They were both justified themselves with Enlightenment ideals.

What was the impact of Enlightenment on the Western culture and politics?

Enlightenment thinkers of Europe had a profound impact on Western culture and politics. For example, their ideas heavily influenced the American Revolution and the French Revolution, both of which were rooted in democratic ideals.

What revolutions did the the enlightenment ideas influence?

The Enlightenment ideas influenced revolutions such as the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Latin American independence movements. These revolutions sought to overthrow oppressive monarchies, establish democratic governments, and promote principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

What ideas influenced the french revolution?

The French Revolution was influenced by the enlightenment ideals of "natural law" and freedom. These ideals were also shown in the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Hope this helped(:

Was john Locke an enlightenment thinker during the American revolution or french revolution?


Which intellectural movement provided the philosophical background for the American and french revolution?

The American Enlightenment contributed to the rise of the American Revolution. It was influenced by the European Enlightenment, applying scientific reasoning to politics, science and religion. It promoted religious tolerance, restored literature, art and music as important areas of study.