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Q: What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving?
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What is the song played in Kings of Comedy when Cedric the Entertainer is driving the Duece and a Quarter?

Cutie Pie by Oneway

How much money does the US government spend on trying to prevent drunk driving?

Congress passed a spending bill that helps the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD receives over 50 million dollars to help with various aspects of their drunk driving campaign.

What is the song that plays during Kings of Comedy with Cedric the Entertainer driving a spaceship?

The song that is playing is "Cutie Pie" by One Way.

Can you think of a good campaign name or slogan for a campaign which wants to raise the driving age to 19?

Cuz it for a school project >.< We don't actually want to raise it.

Are driving tests administered by the federal government?

No, only by the local government.

What song is being whistled to in the Jail Cell TV no drinking and driving campaign?

he sings a lot of whistled songs

What are the Government Regulations on Roads?

There are different government regulations on roads. Most of them include safety in driving, speed, soberness while driving and so much more.

Should the government change the driving age?

yes !

Should government lower the driving age?

No they should not as if they do there will be reckless driving more often even though the driving age has been lowered

What is driving abstract?

An Abstract is a printout of your driving record for as long as the Government keeps infractions and accidents on file.

Why does the government consider driving a privilege?

The government considers driving a privilege because of the responsibility that comes when you're located behind the wheel. It mostly stems from the amount of damage a person driving can inflict on property as well as the potential risk of killing other people.

What is better for driving in snow - front wheel drive or rear wheel drive?

Generally speaking, a front wheel drive vehicle is better for driving in snow. This is because the weight of the engine rests on the driving wheels, allowing them to achieve better traction.