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Q: What entities can amend the federal statutes?
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What is the role of the federal courts?

Federal courts hear cases involving violation of Federal Statutes - State courts hear violations of statutes promulgated by their state legislatures.

What law is constitutional federal or state?

Constitutional law is the highest form of law in the land, which all other forms of law (statutes, administrative rules, etc.) must comply with. Constitutions can be changed, it does require more effort. To amend the Federal Constitution, a proposed amendment must pass both chambers of congress with a 2/3 vote and then be approved by 2/3 of the states. Statutes meanwhile can be generally changed simply by a majority vote of the legislature.

What is the role of federal and state courts?

Federal courts hear cases involving violation of Federal Statutes - State courts hear violations of statutes promulgated by their state legislatures.

How many federal states are in Mexico?

Mexico is a federal republic. Mexico has 32 federal entities. 31 of these federal entities are states. The last one is a federal district. The states are independent of each other and govern themselves.

Federal statutes apply to all states?


What federal statute law would you amend or revoke?

Legalize POT

Who is incarcerated in federal prisons?

People that have pled guilty or were found guilty of viuolating Federal criminal statutes....federal prisoners.

How long does it take to get the federal refund back when you amend your taxes?

10 years

How do you get federal court?

If you break a federal law (a law that is set by US Statutes and NOT by state statute) your case will be heard in Federal Court.

What is the statutory limit on federal crimes such as conspiracy mail fraud and conflict of interest?

Federal statutes cover most violations of federal law. Federal crimes can include mail fraud or a crime that crosses state lines, such as buying and selling weapons illegally. The list is almost endless and they all have their own federal statute of limitations. Keep in mind that there are several crimes that are not covered by federal statutes of limitation. Major crimes such as murder do not have statutes of limitations.

What is a state statutes?

That is a law created by the state. It cannot conflict with Federal law.

A body of persons vested with power to amend and repeal laws?

All legislative power is vasted in Congress, including the right to repeal or amend its Acts. States have similar legislatures which can enact law and amend them, as long as they adhere to the law of the Federal government.