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a drought that lasts for a very long time.

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Kalyn Kinlock

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Q: What environmental change would most likely result in bullfrog offspring that are able to store more water than bullfrogs in previous generations?
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Related questions

How is a frog different from a bullfrog?

All bullfrogs are frogs but, not all frogs are bullfrogs. The bullfrog's Latin name is Rana catesbeiana.

How many offspring does a bullfrog have?

Bullfrogs lay 20,000 eggs at any time.

How do bullfrog adapt?

bullfrogs can adapt by the envierment around them

What does a bullfrog eat?

Bullfrogs eat Insects, small fish, snakes, and even frogs. Bullfrogs will even eat smaller bullfrogs.

What Phylum does the bullfrog belong to?

Bullfrogs belong to the phylum Chordata.

How was the bullfrog brought to Canada?

the bullfrog was brought to canada by a man (dont ask me his name) bringing boxes of the bullfrogs from america to canada (approximitly 50-75 bullfrogs were brought to canada).

How do you make a habitat for a bullfrog?

First you burry a dead squirrel in some soil. then you go to a place where bullfrogs live. then you put your pet bullfrog in that place where bullfrogs live. ITs very simple. why are you asking??????

What do live bullfrog?

Bullfrogs prefer to live near water. And in warm climates.

What do bullfrog do hibernate or migrate?

Bullfrogs hibernate in the winter buring themselves in the mud.

What family does bullfrog belongs?

the family of bullfrogs are just frogs or in the group of frogs and toads

Do bullfrogs bite?

African bullfrogs are aggressive and bite when they are provoked. An African bullfrog has three sharp teeth and can bite anything or anyone it sees as a threat.

What is a bullfrog's predator?

The predators of adult bullfrogs are raccoons and large birds like heron, Young bullfrogs and tadpoles have more predators, including snakes, fish, birds, and turtles. The bullfrog is a large frog, and the females can lay nearly 20,000 eggs.