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Number of neutrons = mass number - number of protons

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Q: What equation do you use to find the number of neutrons in an element?
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How do you find the number of nucleons?

To find the number of neutrons in an atom, first find the atomic weight of the element and round that number to the nearest whole number. Then, find the atomic number of the element. Subtract that number from the atomic weight and the number of neutrons will be found.

How do you find the number of protons and neutrons in an element?


How do you find the number of neutrons in a element using only mass and the element name?

Look up the name on the periodic table and subtract the atomic number from the mass number (which is protons and neutrons). That will give you the number of neutrons.

How do you find out mass number of an element?

Mass number = Number of Protons + Number of Neutrons

How do you find the mas number of an element?

The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons.

How do you find the mazz number of an element?

The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons.

How do you find the number of neutrons on an element?

use a periodic table look at the atomic number

How many neutrons does suflur have?

Sulfur has 16 neutrons. To find out how many neutrons an element has you subtract the atomic number of that element by the atomic mass. omg thank you so much

How do you find the number of neutrons in an atom if that number is not told to you?

if you arent given the atomic numbert for an element - where could you find it?

How are the numbers of neutrons calculated from the period table?

You can find the number of neutrons present in any individual element by subtracting the atomic number from the mass number.

How do you calculate the number of neutrons an atom of a specific element has?

First, find its atomic mass on the periodic table and subtract the number of protons (element number) from it and there you go

How do you find neutrons and protons in an ion element for iron?

the protons will be the atomic number, in this case 26. The neutrons depends on which isotope. The most common isotope is iron-56, so that will have 30 neutrons. If the element is written in symbolic notation, the number on the top, minus the number on the bottom is the number of neutrons.