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Q: What era did the first animals with both teeth and fins appear?
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What are five things that plants and animals have in common?

they both have teeth

Who are animals thay have a flat teeth?

Most animals that have both flat and pointed teeth are omnivorous, ie; they eat both meat and vegetable matter. However, in some cases the animal may be in the process of evolving into a herbivore (which eats only plants) but still has pointed teeth (such as the panda, which has bear-like teeth but eats only bamboo) or the gorilla (which has both pointed and flat teeth but eats only plants). Despite their teeth, both of these animals have digestive systems suited to consuming only plant matter.

Why do omnivores have flat and sharp teeth?

They eat both plants and animals.

Why do omnivores have flat and sharp teeth why?

They eat both plants and animals.

Are meat eating animals need different teeth form vegetarian animal?

Yes, carnivores have teeth that tear while herbivores have crushing teeth. If you look at a dog's or cat's teeth, that is what meat eating animals teeth look like. A horse or cow have teeth that crush and their teeth show that. Our teeth are both so we are called omnivores.

What do animals in the Arctic such as polar bears caribou and arctic wolves have in common?

they both live in the arctic, both have teeth, are both white.

What statement is a fact for crocs and gators?

They are both reptiles, They both are consumers, They are both carnivores, They both lay eggs, They are both animals, They are both extremely powerful, They both have scales, They both have many teeth.

What teeth do puppies lose first?

Puppies lose all of their baby or milk teeth. As the adult teeth grow in the milk teeth should fall out. Sometimes both will be visible.

What is the difference between eyes of flesh eating animals and those of plant eating animals?

Animals which are carnivorous have canine teeth. The human canine teeth are the sharp pointy one that are exaggerated on vampires. Plant eating animals will in general lack these specialized teeth. Look for flat buck-like teeth on plant-eaters and sharp teeth on meat-eaters. The teeth. Meat-eating animals have sharp, pointy teeth so as to rip flesh. Plant-eaters have bigger, blunter teeth so as to grind up plants. Onmivores (Eaters of both plants and meat) have both.

Is an opossum predator or prey?

Both. They are hunted by bears, hawks, and such animals as that. But they also prey on mice and smaller animals like that. Why else would they have sharp teeth?(:

Compare and contrast herbivores with omnivores?

the carnivore has sharp teeth and the herbivore has dull teeth. the omnivore has sharp teeth and dull teeth.

What animals have molars and premolars?

Rabbits are a type of animal that has sets of both molars and premolars. However, rabbits have no sets of canine teeth.