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the industrail revolution

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What did the marketing era introduce?

The marketing era introduced

What new instrument was introduced in the baroque era?

Cristofori's "pianoforte" (piano) was introduced at the very end of the Baroque era.

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New art of music era was introduced which was 20th century era.

Why did romantic era end?

New art of music era was introduced which was 20th century era.

When were ferns introduced?

Ferns were not introduced but evolved during late Paleozoic Era .

When was Registration of Press and Publication Ordinance introduced?

it was introduced in the era of 1989 and was for the protection of press and nothing hehehehe

Did Mesolithic people ride horses?

Probably not, no. Domestication of animals such as horses was introduced in the Neolithic Era which followed the Mesolithic Era.

When was the General Electric T700 engine introduced?

As a result of hindsight from helicopter operations during the Vietnam War era, the T700 was developed in 1967 to power the beginning of the military Blackhawk helicopter line.

What is the popular name for the mesozoic era?

The popular name for the Mesozoic era is the Age of Reptiles. It was introduced by the 19th century paleontologist Gideon Mantel.

The early era of space exploration was driven by a Space race between which two countries?

America and china

How else can Jefferson's election be considered a revolution?

The election of President Thomas Jefferson in 1800 is sometimes referred to as a revolution because it ended the Federalist Era. Jefferson's election introduced the Democratic-Republican Party into power.

What is product era?

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