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Yes and No.

Generally speaking, Middle Eastern is not an ethnicity since the term can be applied to a number of different ethnic groups (Arabs, Turks, Persians, Jews, etc.) However, people from the Middle East will often just call themselves Middle Eastern to avoid necessarily associating with one of the various ethnic groups.

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Q: What ethnic are middle easterners?
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Middle easterners wear turbans. The Middle Easterners that wear turbans are from North Africa, Kurdistan, and the Persian Gulf.

Is islam in the middle east?

Yes. More than 90% of Middle Easterners are Muslims.

Are Middle Easterners considered Asian?

It depends. Most of the Middle East is part of Asia, so it is not a stretch to call Middle Easterners Asian in the same way that Russians living in Siberia are Asian. However, typically the term Asian has become the politically correct term in the USA to replace Oriental (the word referring to the peoples of East Asia, like Chinese, Mongolian, Korean, and Japanese). This causes much confusion between which inhabitants of Asia are being considered by the term "Asian". Many Indians prefer to be called Brown or Desi to differentiate themselves from the preconception of "Asian". Middle Easterners similarly like to identify by national or ethnic group. The United States census, however, identifies all Europeans, Middle Easterners, and North Africans as being Caucasian. Egypt is in the Middle East but is in Africa, not Asia.

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ISLAM is the religion of over 90% of Middle Easterners.

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How many middle easterners are living in America?

probably less than 1.5%

Where did middle eastern people migrate from?

Middle East

What religion makes up over 90 percent of the population of the middle east?

90% of middle easterners are Muslim.

What are some non-ethnic groups in middle east?

It depends on how the question is read:What are some groups of non-ethnic people?Every person in the world has an ethnicity, so there is no group of people who lack an ethnicity. The idea is patently absurd.What are some ways aside from ethnicity that people group themselves by in the Middle East?There are several such different categories. They include:Religion: Middle Easterners often define themselves not only by which religion they follow, but which sect of that religion. In many Middle Eastern places, religion functions as an identifying marker and works much more like ethnicity in that it is less transferable than social associations.Nationality: Many Middle Easterners identify with the country that they specifically live in, just like people from elsewhere.Tribal Affiliation: In certain countries, especially Libya and Iraq, Arabs will identify by tribe or clan. This is not strictly ethnic since people of the same ethnicity may belong to different tribes.Political Affiliation: A number of Middle Easterners identify themselves by their political leanings or particular parties and/or militant organizations with whom they sympathize.

What people live in the middle east today?

middle-easterners..........arabs, usu. of muslim faith....brown people? what are you looking for

What do most people in the middle east live in?

Most Middle Easterners live in houses or appartments, just like in the West.