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The slaughter of millions of Canbodian civilians by Khmer Rouge

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Q: What event made people question President Gerald Ford's policy of noninvolvement?
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What two people served as President and Vice President?

Gerald Ford & Lyndon Johnson

How many people served as president but were not elected to the office?

Gerald Ford

What caused President Gerald Ford a loss of popularity and trust with the American people?

He pardoned President Nixon.

The two people that served as President and Vice President who was not elected to the office?

Gerald Ford is the only person to my knowledge.

Only president who was not elected?

all of them No U. S. President has ever been directly elected by the people.

Who was the only president never elected by the people?

Gerald Ford was never elected in a national election. He was appointed vice-president to fill out a term and became President when President Nixon resigned. He elected to Congress some 10 times by his Congressional district.

When Gerald Ford became President he announced to the nation that he had a special duty to earn the people's .?


What president said people and nations are forged by the fires of adversity?

gerald r ford Actually .. It Was John Adams . The 2nd president .

Important people or events that molded this persons character of Gerald Ford?

If you are here for Gerald in "Gravity", the answer is Intense - APEX

Gerald Ford was the only person to ever serve as President and Vice President without being elected by the people?

President Ford was the only U.S. president never to have been elected president or vice president. Here are more answers from WikiAnswers contributors: * == == * Gerald Ford was the only person to serve as President but not run for election as either President or Vice President. He was appointed VP under Richard Nixon when the elected VP, Spiro Agnew, resigned due to legal problems. Then, Nixon resigned leaving Ford to become President.

What was President Ford's greatest success as president?

Gerald Ford's greatest success as president was reestablishing the faith and trust America had in the presidential position. Because of Nixon and the Watergate Scandal, Many people distrusted the president. In the time he was in office, Ford made America forgive and forget Nixon

Why was president Ford president if he never ran for president?

The vice president before Ford, Spiro Agnew, was accused of having affairs with people and was removed from office. Richard Nixon hired Gerald Ford as his new VP. After Richard Nixon was removed from office after Watergate, Gerald Ford was sworn in and finished Nixon's term. After the term was over, Ford could not win a term of his own.