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Q: What event sparked the beginning of the genocide in Rwanda Who does that event get blamed on?
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How did the 1994 genocide happen in Rwanda?

The president of the Hutus was inside a plane and then the plane got shot down, which caused the death of the president. The Hutus blamed the Tutsis and thats what started the genocide. Other Information: Hutus used the radio to tell the people to kill all tutsis, their codename for the tutsis were "tall trees"..... "cut the tall trees". The Hutus killed 1 million people in just 100 days!

What was Hitlers idea of reasoning for the genocide of millions?

He blamed the lose in WWI on the Jews, and blamed them for the economic depression in the 1930's. (He said the Jews had taken all the good jobs in German.)

Who blame Germany in whole troubles in world war 2?

The entire world blamed Germany and the Nazis for all the deaths and genocide of the Jews. They blamed the Germans for not killing Hitler at the begginning. They blamed the criminals at the Nuremburg Trials for not stopping all the atrocities and for not stopping Hitler.

Why is there genocide in Rwanda?

In February of 1994, the president of rwanda, who was a hutu, named habyrimana (spelling?) was in a plane when it was shot down, and the hutu extremists, who did not like the tutsi, used this as an excuse to start mass killing on the tutsis, because they blamed them for the killing. this, however, was not the probable case. it is more likely that the plane was shot down by hutus who did not like the fact that habyrimana was working on a peace treaty with the tutsis. this is not the only proof of this; before the plane was shot down, radio stations would call tutsis cockroaches, and talk about killing them. it is more likely that the whole thing was planned, and they wanted to have ethnic cleansing agaist the tutsis, and this gave them the excuse. of course, before this happened, you have the british who controlled the area before, and allowed the tutsis, who were the minority, to rule the government, so most of this was started when they put them in power and eventually left, and the government went to the majority hutus, who wanted revenge.

Who started the Rwanda?

"The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.A recent French official report blamed current Rwandan President, Paul Kagame.The report - extracts of which appeared in the daily, Le Monde - said French police had concluded that Mr Kagame gave direct orders for the rocket attack.Rwanda has rejected the report, describing it as a "fantasy".Within hours of the attack, a campaign of violence spread from the capital throughout the country, and did not subside until three months later.But the death of the president was by no means the only cause of Africa's largest genocide in modern times.

Why were the people killed in Rwanda?

The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which was largely composed of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda following earlier waves of Hutu violence against the Tutsi. Most of the dead were Tutsis and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus. The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.

What are the differences between Holocaust and the Rwanda Genocide?

The Armenian genocide and the Holocaust were similar in that people were tortured and killed because of their nationality. There were often no other reason than someone being Armenian, or Jewish, just because of that there were those who thought they should die.

How the history of imperialism contributed to the ethnic conflict in the Rwanda Burundi?

The Rwandan Genocide did not stem from a long-established cultural distinction -- actually the two main cultural groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis have very similar cultures including language -- but from European imperialism. From 1922 to 1962 Belgium ruled over Rwanda, claiming the Tutsis as superior and even issuing distinctive identity cards. When Rwanda gained its independence, the ethnic divide didn't go away, and the Hutus felt the need to seek vengeance on being oppressed all those years, forming a dictatorship over the country.While tension and violence was present -- at this point much of the Tutsi population had been forced out -- the 1994 Rwandan Genocide itself was sparked by the murder of President Juvénal Habyarimana, a Hutu, as his plane was shot down. To do this day it is still not clear who did it; however, the extremist Hutu government blamed the Tutsis and began ordering the killing of every single Tutsi, man, woman and child. Even civilian Hutus were to kill their Tutsi neighbors, or face death themselves. The numbers were horrific: 800,000 killed in just 100 days, mostly Tutsis by Hutus.Today Rwanda is a primarily peaceful country, although this is because the government is so strict it barely allows any opposing parties or political freedom to exist, a source of contention for many.Neighboring Burundi had a similar history regarding imperialism and the Belgians, and experienced a Hutu-led genocide in 1972, also killing Hutus who wouldn't side with their rebellion. When Tutsi President Michel Micombero declared martial law and the Tutsis began fighting back, the situation went from killing political officials to any Hutu in sight. In 1993, another mass Tutsi genocide occurred, after the assassination of Hutu President Ndadaye.As Rwanda and Burundi are neighboring countries, their conflicts affect and influence each other.Sources:All Things Global HistoryBBC NewsHistory.comUnited Human Rights Council

What is a summary of about rwandan genocide?

The Rwandan Genocide was the 1994 mass murder of an estimated 800,000 people in the small East African nation of Rwanda. It happened over the course of approximately 100 days and started with the assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana on April 6. It was the culmination of longstanding ethnic competition and tensions between the minority Tutsi, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority Hutu peoples, who had come to power in the rebellion of 1959-1962 and overthrown the Tutsi monarchy.

What was genocide's role did during World War 2?

Hitler blamed the Jews for Germanys economic failure. At first, his plan was not to exterminate the Jews but eventually that is what he decided to do, this is called "the Final Solution". 6 million people died in the Death Camps.

Should Africans be blamed for slavery?

No, they should not be blamed for it!

Why do the SS men flee the camp?

The SS men fled the camp to avoid capture and punishment for their crimes committed during the Holocaust. They feared retaliation from Allied forces or being held accountable for their participation in the genocide.