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Q: What event turned the tide of World War 2 against Germany?
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The sinking of the Lusitania had a great impact on Americans in that it turned them against Germany.

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Americans turned against Iran when Iranian rebels held 54 US Embassy officials hostage for over 400 days.

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The event that was most influential in turning American public opinion against Germany was the invasion of Belgium.

What was the event that started and caused World War 2?

Germany invaded Poland

Which event ended World War2 in Europe?

there is no clear event because Germany still kept on fighting in various areas

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Germany invaded Poland privacy and the allies France and Britain declared war

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The Axis was the event that formed the alliance between Italy and Germany in World War II. Italy was forced to sign under the threat of an invasion.

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The Battle of Midway, in which the Japanese lost almost all of their cruisers and battleships.

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please help me to find the top ten companies of event from Germany,France and UK

What event led up to world war 2 in Europe?

Germany invaded Poland

What major event triggered World War 2 in Europe?

Germany's invasion of Poland.