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Q: What events and resolution of conflict in Rwanda genocide?
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What events are similar to the Holocaust?

the rwandan genocide.

What events brought Rwanda to the worlds attention in?

Nova Net Answer: The genocide of Tutsis.

Who was the movie Hotel Rwanda actually based off of?

Hotel Rwanda was adapted from a screenplay written by George and Keir Pearson. The movie was based on real events that occurred in Rwanda during 1994, a time of genocide.

How many people are still being prosecuted for taking part in the Rwanda Genocide?

The Rwanda Genocide was one of the most disturbing events in the history of Africa. As a result hundreds of people were prosecuted for taking part in it. There is currently no one still being prosecuted as a result of this event.

What describes the structure of most stories?

Conflict, main events, climax, resolution

What is the definition of resolution in fiction?

Resolution describes how each character was changed by the events of the story and provides an outcome to the central conflict.

In a story what is the sequence of events called?

The sequence of events in a story is called the plot. It consists of the exposition (introduction of characters and setting), rising action (development of the conflict), climax (turning point), falling action (resolution of conflict), and resolution (conclusion).

A story's course of events that form the action and are propelled by conflict toward a climax and eventual resolution is its?


What country represented a personal failure to President Clinton after turbulent events in that country unfolded?

President Clinton considered the events in Rwanda as a personal failure. The genocide that occurred in 1994 resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people. The US did not intervene, and Clinton later expressed regret for not taking action to prevent the mass atrocities.

what is the resolution of a story ?

Maura and her mother pull themselves out onto the riverbank.

Was Rwanda worse than the Holocaust?

It is difficult to say which of the 2 events between the Rwandan genocide or the Holocaust was worst. Both events were atrocious and in both events innocent people died and suffered. In the Holocaust a lot more people died than in the Rwandan genocide, 6 million as opposed to about 1 million, but the Rwandan genocide was a lot shorter than the Holocaust. In events like this you can't say which event was worse than the other one, both were equally bad and nothing like either of these events should ever happen again.

A story's course of events that forms the action and is propelled by conflict toward a climax and eventual resolution is called the?
