

What events happen on the equinox?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What events happen on the equinox?
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When is the next equinox going to happen?

The next equinox is the vernal equinox, which takes place on March 19th or 20th, depending on where you are located on the earth.

What day in September does an equinox happen on?

The September equinox can occur at any time from the 21st to the 24th of September.

What month does autumnal equinox start?

The "autumnal equinox" is a single point in time, not a period. In 2015, the autumnal equinox will happen at 08:20 (UT) on the 23rd September.

When does the summer equinox happen for the northern hemisphere?

June 21st

An equinox occurs when?

There is an equinox in the spring called the vernal equinox, and one in the fall called the autumnal equinox. They happen at the moment that the center of the sun is in the earth's equatorial plane. In other words, they occur at the moments when the sun passes directly over the equator.

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What season does equinox happen?

Spring and Autumn/Fall, for the Northern Hemisphere spring equinox is around March 21st and Autumn/Fall Equinox is around September 21st and for the Southern Hemisphere its the exact opposite.

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through the fall and the spring equinox alot of things happen during the fall and spring equinox

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It is between winter solistice and spring equinox

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