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Characteristic of events:

  • Japanese and Germans were winning at the beginning of the war.
  • The Japs and the Germans both had the idea that Russians, Slavs, Americans were sub-human species and could not fight or make great war equipment or win wars.
  • The Americans and Russians did not think the Japanese and Germans were the fierce fighters they turned out to be. Americans thought Japanese were blind and too little to fight.
  • Those ideas made the enemies misjudging others so when they fought they discovered they fought differently and had different notions of battling. So the Russians and Americans did not win battles at first.
  • The Allied Forces got smarter about their enemy, got luckier and came up with really good weapons and weapon systems.
  • The Brits went through the same thing. The Germans underestimated the Brits. The Brits were able to fight and to build planes, way more than the Germans thought they could build. The Brits also used RADAR that the Germans discounted. RADAR saved the Brits.
  • In the Atlantic Ocean it was characteristic of the Germans to sink boats or ships and sink some more. They were ferocious. As usual the Brits and Americans had to come up with a way to out fox the Germans. They came up with RADAR on planes and ships so they could find the sneaky U Boats. Soon they were sinking U Boats and getting their ships from the US to England.
  • Another characteristic on both sides of the war was their ability to use code and crack the enemies codes. Russia actually cracked the German code long before the Brits did but they did not share that info - very Characteristic of the Sly Soviets. The intelligence war was as tough as the weapons and fighting combat war.
  • So the pattern of the Allied Forces getting their behind whipped at first continued until they learned about their enemy and then they turned the tide and started defeating the Axis forces.
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Pearl Harbor and the atomic bomb. Without Pearl Harbor, the US might never had entered WW2. Without the Atom Bomb, Japan would have been invaded by Allied Forces.

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Q: What was a characteristic of events that occurred during World War 2?
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What are some events that occurred in Germany during World War 2?

they exicution of helmuth hubener, and many other resistance fighters. the holocost, the of , the denazifacation of es and much more

What events happened during 1928-1940?

Numerous important events occurred between 1928 and 1940. Specifically, the Empire State Building was completed in 1931, the Hoover Dam was completed in 1936, and World War I started in 1939.

What events were occurring during Cleopatra the 7th's lifetime?

In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.In the 39 years of Cleopatra's lifetime there were numerous events taking place all over the world. Her father was deposed and regained his throne, pirates were blockading Rome, there was a famine in Egypt and the mid east, Parthia was trying to take over Judaea and there was a political split in Rome. These are just a few of the events that occurred during Cleo's lifetime.

What major events happened between 1857 to 1934?

Numerous events occurred between 1857 to 1934. Some of the most important events were the Civil War, World War I, and the Great Depression in America.

Was the ANZAC Day in World War 1 or the second?

The original ANZAC landing occurred in 1915, during World War I.

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There really weren't any huge events during those years. However, in 1479 BC, Thutmose III ascended to the throne of Egypt.

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