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Q: What events led to the end of the Inca Empire?
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What led to the end Inca empire?

the spanish people did when they came from Europe

who led the invasion of the Inca empire?

jacob and jack led the invasion of the inca empire

What caused the end of the Inca Empire?

small pox disease, this was caused by the spanish when they concer the inca so due to that led to the depopulation in Inca empire so make easy collapse and the Spanish took the area

What led to the end of Inca Empire?

the spanish people did when they came from Europe

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What led to the downfall the Inca empire?


Francisco Pizarro is known for what?

Francisco Pizarro was the Spanish conquistador who led the overthrow of the Inca empire in what is now Peru.

Which explorer led an expedition into the Inca empire and what country was he from?

Francisco Pizarro Spain

What did pizzarro accomplish?

Pizzarro was a Spanish conquistador who led an expeditionthat caused the falloff the Inca Empire.

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Francisco Pizarro led a band of Spaniards to Peru where they conquered the Incan Empire.

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which war

Who was the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incan Empire?

The Spanish, led by Francisco Pizarro, conquered the Inca in the early 1500's.