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The Bohr model is accepted today - of course, with some refinements.

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Q: What evidence better support the solid sphere model or the plum pudding model?
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in plum pudding model why thomson has considered electrons embedded in positively charged sphere?

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Which is not evidence that Earth is a sphere?

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What did the pudding represent in the plum pudding model?

Thomson's plum pudding model is the model of an atom in which an atom is regarded as a sphere of size 10^(-10)m radius and positively charged matter in which electrons were embedded. Thomson used the pudding as the positive charge and the plums as the negative charge. The plums are stuck in the pudding just as electrons are randomly found in an atom.

what is Thomson plum pudding?

Thomson's plum pudding model is the model of an atom in which an atom is regarded as a sphere of size 10^(-10)m radius and positively charged matter in which electrons were embedded. Thomson used the pudding as the positive charge and the plums as the negative charge. The plums are stuck in the pudding just as electrons are randomly found in an atom.

What was Thomson's model of the atomic atom?

according to jj thomsons model of an atom,an atom consists of a positively charged sphere with electrons in it.however,it was later found that positively charged particles reside at the center of the atom called nucleus,and the electrons revolve around the nucleus.

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ofcores is close combat

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curved shape. And that shape is probably a sphere.

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Better ??? - Farther yes - because you're living on a sphere.

How does the geosphere affect the earth?

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