

What evidence do you see that beach erosion has occurred?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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6y ago

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Reducing the surface of the beach is a consequence of erosion.

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Q: What evidence do you see that beach erosion has occurred?
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Any riverbed or drainage ditch will have silt on top of the harder dirt or concrete.

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It is an example of erosion. See link to related question below.

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By looking into the records of a certain area, you can see erosion patterns that'll help you predict erosion.

When was it that riverbank erosion last occurred in Bangladesh?

Riverbank erosion is always happening to some degree somewhere in Bangladesh. However, it is usually much more common and more severe during times when river flows are the greatest--usually therefore during June-August. While flooding also correlates with high water, flooding and erosion are not absolutely linked: areas can have very high rates of bank erosion at one time and no local flooding, can have both, or can have flooding but little erosion. See for a more detailed explanation.

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