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The so-called K-T boundary layer is the smoking gun that proved that large asteroids did strike the earth at intervals causing devastation beyond anything that man has seen in recorded history.

Go dig down to the geologic layer that separates the Cretaceous and Tertiary Periods (the K-T boundary) and you'll find the rare earth metal iridium, and in quantities far higher than in the rest of the rock around it. Do your digging anywhere on earth. The iridium is there. Whatever it was that crashed into earth some 65 million years ago had a lot of iridium in it.

The impact site was so large, and the event occurred so long ago that the earth "healed" the scar and it was difficult to detect. But now that we knew what we were looking for - a place where a big hole was punched in the lithosphere - we found it in Mexico and the gulf of the same name. Chicxulub. Yukatan, Mexico. How about a crater over a hundred miles across? Big enough?

Look at the moon. Why wouldn't the earth be subject to the same kind of pounding? Oh, we've got an atmosphere to help protect us, and we have both atmospheric and geologic phenomenon that will "erase" the damaged places in time. But the moon has taken some very large shots to the crust. So has earth. Why wouldn't it have had? And somewhere out there is a large rock with our name on it. We will get hit again. It's not a question of if so much as it's a question of when.

With the use of advanced space-based observation platforms, we've identified more locations where the cosmic hammer has struck. There is a lot of reading posted in various locations on the web for the curious investigator. A link is provided below, and it will take you to the Wikipedia post on the K-T boundry. Why not start there?

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asteroid collisions are very rear but there are asteroids on there way and more bigger expecuraly an asteroid called apophis it is quite big and is spose to be heading for earth in 2036 that is what NASA says but there manly have computer to see every evedence they can find and track down every bit of an asteroid as posible.

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Q: What evidence is there for large asteroids hitting earth like rock layers or fossil stuff or other stuff that the asteroid has left that is not usually found on earth but is abundant in space?
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No. The chances of an asteroid large enough to cause significant damage is very low.

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Usually by another asteroid moving through the belt and hitting one, creating a force to move an asteroid from its orbit. Also, if a large enough asteroid passes by, it is possible that the gravity that it generates could pull a few off.

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The latest thinking on this subject is as follows: Not all small and sundry asteroids can be stopped from hitting the earth. Those asteroids whose paths and trajectory are fairly known along with their periodicity can be nudged from a collision course to earth by sending a rocket or spacecraft. The proximity of the rocket or spacecraft itself is expected to change the trajectory of the asteroid (in a controlled and calculated manner.) In years to come, science may come up with other additions to this basic concept to successfully deviate the asteroid from its collision course to the earth.

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It has nothing to do with atmosphere. The earth and the asteroid are moving in roughly the same direction and the asteroid is not aimed at the center of the earth. Most asteroids will miss the earth, a few will pass close enough to enter the atmosphere then leave without hitting (some of these will explode before they can leave), others will hit at shallow angles.Perhaps one in a billion might hit near vertically.

What is your explanation of how and why dinosaurs became extinct?

Well the main theory is the asteroid theory. I agree that it was an asteroid as there is a lot of evidence for it. For example, there is a layer of iridium covering the earth which is found in asteroids. also there is a crater in Mexico called the Chixulub crater which is said to be from 65 million years ago at the time of the dinosaur's extinction. Also the impact of an asteroid hitting earth would have caused the earths atmosphere to be filled with dust, therefore blocking off the sun so photosynthesis wouldn't happen so plants would die, herbivores would die as there would be nothing for them to eat and the same for predators so there would be no dinosaurs left.

What effect did asteroids hitting the earth have?

All the way from forming the moon to pretty lights in the sky.