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Many do not know but it is said that he swaore on the bones of a saint which in those times were unbreakable. He swore his oath after being shipwrecked in Panthieu.

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Q: What evidence is there that Harold did swear an oath in 1064?
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What evidence is there that Harold did not swear on the oath?

i don't know so can yo tell me please

What was Harold Godwineson's oath of 1064?

he siad he wuold give William England

What evidence is there to say Harold Godwin did swear the oath?

The evidence is all Norman and therefore likely bias in order to justify the invasion. Firstly, the Bayeux Tapestry depicts that Harold swore an oath, the Bayeux Tapestry is essentially an embroidery made in the 1070's. However the Tapestry doesn't say what the oath is and moreover doesn't explain why Harold is in Normandy. Thus deeming the evidence unclear and unreliable. William of Poitiers, the chief Norman writer, wrote about the events of the oath also in 1070's, despite even being present. This again is likely to have been created to justify the Norman invasion.

Did Harold godwin swear a sacred oath?

I think no. But we don't know as we were not there at the time so it may have been false.

Do you have to swear an oath to get into America?

Yes you do. You must swear an oath of loyalty.

When do you start using Bible in court?

If you are a Christian or a Jew, you may be asked to swear an oath on the Bible before giving evidence, saying that the evidence you give will be wholly truthful. Usually, if there is a court recess during your evidence, you would not be asked to swear a new oath on the Bible, but you may be informed that the oath you have already given continues to apply. If you are not a Christian you do not need to use the Bible, but may ask to give an affirmation instead of a religious oath. Muslims may swear by the Koran in some jurisdictions.

Why does brutus wants to swear an oath to the conspirators?

Because he seems to think everyone there is loyal and there is no use for them to swear an oath

Why does brutus want to swear an oath with the conspirators?

Because he seems to think everyone there is loyal and there is no use for them to swear an oath

What did former confederates have to do to get amnesty under lincolns plan to rebuild the union?

They had to swear an oath of loyalty.

Did Harold Godwinson swear on the bones of a saint?

1864, 2 years before the battle of Hastings's. If more info is required please ask. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I was doing my history essay and i needed info like this but the battle of Hastings was in 1066 and between 1066 and 1864 is a 798 year difference and unless Harold was a ghost, then he whouldn't have been alive then.

Why did the battle of 1066 take place?

It took place because William of Normandy thought he was the rightful heir. Also Harold Godwinson swore an oath to let William be king however Harold thought that because he was forced to swear an oath that it didnt matter so he became king resulting in William invading

What is the definition of swear?

To affirm or utter a solemn declaration, with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed; to make a promise, threat, or resolve on oath; also, to affirm solemnly by some sacred object, or one regarded as sacred, as the Bible, the Koran, etc., To give evidence on oath; as, to swear to the truth of a statement; he swore against the prisoner., To make an appeal to God in an irreverant manner; to use the name of God or sacred things profanely; to call upon God in imprecation; to curse., To utter or affirm with a solemn appeal to God for the truth of the declaration; to make (a promise, threat, or resolve) under oath., To put to an oath; to cause to take an oath; to administer an oath to; -- ofetn followed by in or into; as, to swear witnesses; to swear a jury; to swear in an officer; he was sworn into office., To declare or charge upon oath; as, he swore treason against his friend., To appeal to by an oath.