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It's not that MMR is unlikely to cause autism, it cannot cause autism full-stop. Autism is a neurological difference so it occurs within the second trimester of pregnancy when the brain is being formed, no vaccination can cause autism. Billions have been wasted on thousands of research projects to prove that there is absolutely no link between autism and vaccinations.

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Q: What evidence is there that MMR is unlikely to cause autism?
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Does the mmr jab cause autism?

Most definitively NO. The MMR vaccine (and, all other vaccines) have absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH AUTISM. There have been repeated clinical studies, and absolutely no tie between the MMR vaccine and any incidence of autism has been discovered. The scare was caused by bad science and desperate parents, looking for something to blame, and a news media looking for the latest sensational cause. There never was any credible reason to assume there was a tie between MMR and autism, let alone scientific evidence.

What is the MMR scare?

When a man Dr John Wakefield made up false evidence that there was a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Later, the evidence was found to be proved wrong and it has been definitely certified that there is nothing wrong with the MMR vaccine and is safe to use.

Does the mmr vaccine cause autism?

MMR vaccines, as well as other vaccines, do not cause autism. Extensive research has been done into the relationship between autism and vaccines and none has been found. The doctor who originally reported a correlation has since retracted his statements, admitted his results were faked, and lost his medical license.

What possible danger do some connect to the MMR vaccine?

The combined vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) was claimed to cause autism or bowel disorders in some children.

How did the doctors come to the conclusion that MMR causes autism?

MMR does not cause autism, no doctor has come to this conclusion - in fact billions have been wasted proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that vaccines do not cause autism. This is also simple common sense, autism is a neurological condition so it starts within the second trimester of pregnancy, a person is born autistic and a vaccine cannont change a persons brain to make them autistic.

What research has been done on the connection between mumps vaccine and autism?

The current status of the MMR/Autism link is disputed. New beliefs are appearing that bufotenin may be responsible for autism. At the moment, there is little evidence to show that MMR may be linked with autism.More recently, several clinical studies have show no statistical link between any vaccine and the incidence of autism. The MMR does not cause, nor is a contributing factor to, autism.In addition, the bufotenin theory is at this point, just a theory. It is based on the higher-than-normal levels of bufotenin detected in some autistic people, but this has not been thoroughly studied, nor has it been shown this is prevalent in the general autistic population. As of now, we really don't know much about autism, certainly nothing definitive about causes or the mechanisms by which it works.

What really was causing autism when the MMR shot controversy was taking place?

The exact same thing that has been causing autism at any other point in history. We don't know the full cause of autism, but primarily it's considered to be a genetic mutation either in one parent or both.

Can you get autism or asperger from vaccination shots?

The child will not get autism from an MMR vaccination. Countries with different vaccination ingredients or different vaccination schedules have increasing rates of autism, too. Research indicates that the MMR vaccination does not cause autism. Videos and descriptions of the children thought to have had autism triggered by the thimerosal-containing MMR vaccines show that they had symptoms of autism prior to the vaccination. Autism is a genetic condition that, in most cases, is assumed to have an environmental trigger in the womb or early infancy. There is the possibility that a very small portion of the people with autism have the condition triggered by a vaccination, but that number is statistically insignificant, so it is too small to be detected in scientific studies. But there is that possibility with other events, too, such as feeding your baby processed baby food or breastfeeding for less than 2 years or eating peanuts while pregnant or any other events that are not associated with autism. Hypothetically, if a child were to have autism triggered by a vaccination, it could be because of the ingredients of the vaccination, the child's stress at receiving a vaccination, the body's immune response being triggered, or some other factor involved in the process of getting a vaccination. Another potential cause for concern is the fact that human DNA is in some of the MMR vaccines. It has not been scientifically proven nor disproven but the dates match up according to what I've read. I would love to know where autism is on the rise and vaccines are not available as someone wrote previously. I wasn't aware of that.

What are the risks of getting mmr?

Common risks associated with vaccines such as swelling, fever and irritation. But NOT AUTISM.

What vaccine was at once time thought to increase the risk of a child developing autism?

The MMR vaccine.

What is the scandal surronding the MMR vaccine?

The MMR vaccine controvery or scandal centered around the 1998 publication of a fraudulent research paper in the medical journal. This paper claimed that colitis and autism disorders might be caused by MMR vaccine which is not true.

What are the real causes of autism now that the onset of autism and the MMR vaccine has been shown to be coincidental?

There are no "real" causes of autism yet, but there are theories. Autism is a disease rarely found in newborn babies that disable the child's language development and they often have trouble communicating.