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Q: What evidence is there that UV radiation can affect DNA?
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What part of DNA absorbs uv light?

In suntan lotion it is avobenzone and/or octyl methoxycinnamate. Many organic molecules (natural and man-made polymers) absorb UV. DNA absorbs UV-B (which can cause damage) - as can the cornea of the eye! The cornea also absorbs UV-A but seems to not suffer much with it. Much of the sun's UV-A, UV_B and UV_C radiation is absorbed by the Ozone Layer when it enters the atmosphere.

What type of light is most dangerous to the back of the eye?

The sun's primary danger to us comes in the form of UV light or radiation. UV radiation is a component of solar radiation. Artificial sources like welding machines, tanning beds, and lasers can also give off UV radiation. There are three types of UV radiation. UV-C is absorbed by the ozone layer and does not present any threat. UV-A and UV-B radiation can have adverse long- and short-term effects on the eyes and vision. Both long- and short-term exposure to UV radiation can harm the eyes, affect vision, and compromise overall eye health. There are several eye diseases and conditions caused or aggravated by exposure to UV radiation: Macular Degeneration. Cataracts.. Pterygium. Often called "surfer's eye." Skin Cancer. Skin cancer in and around the eyelids is also linked to prolonged UV exposure. Photokeratitis. Also known as corneal sunburn or "snow blindness."

3 physiological factors that affect skin color?

1.melanin 2.hemoglobin 3.carotene

What limited protection do cells have against the damaging effects of UV radiation?

Many factors determine a cell's limited protection against damaging effects of Ultraviolet (UV) radiation.The amount of time a cell is exposed is one eminent factor that blocks radiation from reaching cells. (Think: the plastic from sunglasses shields UV light from damaging the human eye.)Certain types of cells are more resistant to UV light that vegetative cells. DNA of endospores is protected by small, acid-soluble proteins that bind to DNA and alter its conformation, protecting it from photochemical damage. In addition, a unique spore photo-product is generated by UV light in endospores that functions in enzymatic repair of damaged DNA during endospore germination.

Can windows with UV protection kill plants?

Not in my opinion, although I have not tried the experiment for myself!Plants use the energy from light to photosynthesize, and I do not believe the levels of radiation (UV) would affect this.However, if a window garden is what you're after, it might be wise to play it safe and not use the window with UV protection anyway.

Related questions

How do uv rays affect your skin?

UV radiation causes skin problems to humans. It can also alter our DNA.

What type of radiation does the ozone layer affect?

UV-B rays.

How does light and energy affect human skin color?

Skin colour came from melanin (body pigment) created during process of Melanogenesis. Melanogenesis is the process induced by DNA damage from exposure to UV-B radiation. Ultra Violet radiation had high energy and can cause DNA deformation, such melanin is created to absorb UV and transform radiation energy to heat which is lesser fatal to our cells.

What is the main cause for sunburns?

Sunburn is caused by UV-radiation from the sun which creates direct DNA damage.

How does this realization impact to your life in screen the UV out?

UV-B radiation has been shown to be harmful to living organisms, damaging DNA, proteins, lipids and membranes.

What part of the atmosphere protect the earth from utlraviolet radiation?

The stratosphere protects the Earth from most all harmful radiation. The nitrogen and oxygen absorb UV-C and more energetic radiation, and the ozone formed by some oxygen absorbing UV-C... in turn absorbs UV-B (which damages DNA).

Does uv rays affect food?

No. Uv (ultraviolet radiation) rays are used on food to kill unwanted bacteria withoud harmful chemicals.

Which are more energetic photons of UV-A radiation or photons of UV-B radiation?


What is the effect of UV radiation on living tissues and biological productivity?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can lead to increased mutation rates, skin cancer, sunburns and eye cataracts. Crop production will also decrease as UV light affects molecules related to photosynthesis. In addition, UV radiation can damage DNA. However, organisms have repair mechanisms so the damages may not be as worse as expected.

Why is ultraviolet radiation harmful to plants and animals?

Ultraviolet radiation, being of greater frequency than visible light, can affect organisms on a genetic level. They break bonds in the DNA molecule and prolonged exposure can cause adverse effects to essential genes.

Which is more dangerous uv or x-rays?

X-rays are more dangerous as they have a higher energy than UV radiation. The higher the energy, the more potential for DNA damage.

Melanocytes and keratinocytes work together in protecting the skin from the UV damage when keratinocytes?

Accumulate the melanin granules on their superficial portion, forming a pigment that protects DNA from UV radiation