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Q: What evidence is there that the emperor saw these expeditions as a way of extending Chinese influence abroad?
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What was the purpose of zheng he's expeditions?

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Chinese influence on Filipino education can be seen in the incorporation of subjects like Chinese language and culture in some school curriculums. Additionally, there are institutions in the Philippines that offer Chinese-sponsored scholarships and educational exchange programs. Cultural events and activities celebrating Chinese customs and traditions also play a role in shaping students' understanding and appreciation of Chinese influences in Filipino society.

How did Zheng he s voyages help CHINESE trade to grow?

Zheng He's voyages helped Chinese trade to grow by establishing diplomatic and trade relations with various countries in Asia and Africa, allowing for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. These expeditions also helped to promote Chinese products such as silk, porcelain, and tea, contributing to the growth of China's economy and influence in the region.

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Zheng He

Which Chinese sailor began a series of seven navel expeditions that went as far as the east coast of Africa?

zheng he

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Chinese trade was dominated by foreign influence

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It is influence by the Chinese people......................

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