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Some information that would help: unambiguous evidence that there are systematic, independently verifiable differences in personality based on date and time of birth, and systematic, independently verifiable evidence that unambiguous and non-frivolous predictions made from astrological readings have later come true.

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Q: What evidence might change scientist's minds about astrology?
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I love learning things about Astrology.?

Therefore, astrology can be appealing to them because they believe it can give them a hit of good luck that might bolster them to seek other forms of internal reinforcement. It might also be that it is an illusion of control.

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There are all types of scientists that work on different things like Astrology Biology micrology and much more.This question might not be useful so just look somewhere else.Oh yeah and there's a mathmatican.

Did church believe in astrology?

When people think of the Church back when astrology was first being practiced, they say that they were strict and burned the scientists at the stake. This might be true, but the Body of Christ itself didn't have strong opinions. Just like with other religions, there's the really decent and nice people but also extremists. In this case, extremists ruled Europe so I'd say no but Christian people didn't mind astrology.

Describe how DNA evidence might be used to confirm scientists' conclusions about any relationship between birds and seals?

DNA evidence can be used to compare the genetic similarities and differences between birds and seals, providing insight into their evolutionary relationship. By analyzing the genetic material of both species, scientists can confirm or refute their conclusions about the evolutionary relationship between birds and seals, based on the presence of shared or distinct genetic markers. This molecular evidence can offer a reliable way to support or challenge existing theories about the evolutionary history of birds and seals.

What might change a scientists mind about how to classify things?

They change their minds because they saw that the structure changed and it grew into a different size and it grew a lot more details on them.They might find out that there are more divisions or kingdoms (living organisms) which might change their minds.

Are the scientists able to destroy this planet nibru?

The existence of planet Nibiru is largely rejected by scientists as based on false claims, conjecture, mistranslations, flawed techniques, and general lack of good supporting evidence; hence, scientists might be able to only destroy it notionally through refutation.

Why was wegener's theory not accepted by all scientists?

Wegner's theory was not accept because he didn't have much evidence to support his theory with and scientists thought that there might have been a land bridge between the continents. Another reason to why his theory was rejected was that he was a foreigner, by that; the scientists didn't really take him seriously.

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The mass of an object does not change , but its weight can vary.

Why might scientists measure the mass of an object rather than the weight of an object.?

The mass of an object does not change , but its weight can vary.