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Q: What evidence of cultural blending can you find in arbars rule?
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You would find evidence

What is cultural dating?

Cultural dating is when you find an object and find information about it. This process of gathering information is an example of cultural dating :D You're welcome!

What if you do not like water or Gatorade?

Then you should find another substitute. Try juices or even blending your own.

What evidence do scientists find in fossils and living things?

Scientist find evidence about common ancestors.

What is the difference between the term cultural and cultural?

If you would, for instance, read a dictionary, such as the "Webster's Student's Dictionary, you will find that the difference between cultural and cultural is basically nonexistent.

What evidence did the archaeologists find to suggest that the tainos existed?

Archaeologists found artifacts such as pottery, tools, and petroglyphs in various excavation sites across the Caribbean region where the Taino people once lived. These artifacts provide physical evidence of the Taino culture and way of life, confirming their existence. Additionally, historical accounts and oral traditions from other indigenous groups and European colonizers also mention the Taino people, further supporting their existence.

What evidence did the archaeologist find to suggest that the tainos existed?

What evidence did the archaeologist find to suggest that the Tainos existed

Books on evidence law?

You can find evidence books at the link below.

Where would you find evidence?

Well..., on the internet in books what kind of evidence

What does find out look for evidence mean?

look for evidence that's what it means

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yes the police can do wht they want

Where did scientist find evidence about rodinia?

Scientists found evidence in Rodinia in Antartica.