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You might observe a change in color, gas bubbles being formed, a change in temperature (this might require the use of a thermometer, unless the solution actually boils), or you can test for a specific chemical by using an indicator, or analyse the solution by means of a mass spectrometer. Explosions are also a very convincing form of evidence that a chemical change has taken place.

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10y ago

Colour change, release of energy, and bubbles are some evidence that a chemical change has taken place.

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7y ago
  • change in color
  • change in temperature
  • formation of a precipitate
  • formation of gas bubbles
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Q: What evidence demonstrates that a chemical change has taken place?
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The change in color indicates that a chemical reaction has taken place.

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There are signs that you can see when a chemical change takes place. It is true that fizzing or foaming is evidence that a chemical change may have occurred.

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Combustion clearly is a chemical change. In the combustion of a hydrocarbon, for example, you begin with the hydrocarbon and after combustion you end up with carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). This demonstrates that a chemical change has taken place.

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Evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place usually include appearance of a precipitate, change in color, or production of a gas.

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You must video tape it and make sure the final result is either a physical change or a chemical change.

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Physical changes give no evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place, because no chemical reaction has taken place.

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What evidence do you have that a chemical reaction took place?

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No, it is not a chemical change. For example, if you put gold bubbles into any single acid, no chemical change will take place.

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It is a chemical change. Through corrosion, a chemical reaction has taken place.

What identifies a chemical change has taken place?

Signs that a chemical change has taken place include the formation of a gas, the formation of a precipitate, a change in temperature, and a change in color.