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The most common signs of Asthma are shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, chest pain, or pressure. The cough is very frequent. Another symptom is being easily tired when exercising.

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Q: What exactly are the signs of asthma?
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How do I look out for asthma in others?

If you want to know the signs of asthma, here they are: coughing, especially at night, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, pain, or pressure. These are all signs that could be asthma.

Are a chest full of mucus that can't be coughed up and attacks of fighting to breath signs of asthma?

Breathlessness and chest tightness are common signs of asthma, though it doesn't definitely mean you have asthma. If your blood relatives have a history of asthma, you should see the doctor, who will find out if it is asthma or simply common cold.

Where can I find medical asthma signs?

Common signs of asthma is shortness of breath while not doing any activities or doing activities that require little to no movement. Other signs can be heaviness on the chest area.

What are the most common signs of asthma?

The most common symptoms of someone who has asthma are prolonged shortness of breath, coughing (at night), wheezing, and chest tightness or pain. If you are experiencing these symptoms for a long period of time it is recommended that you check with a doctor to find out exactly what the problem is as it may be something more serious.

Can you join REME with asthma?

It may be possible to join REME with Asthma if you haven't shown any signs since before your 13th birthday.

What signs do I need to look for that say I may have asthma?

As an asthma sufferer from childhood I am aware that there are many signs of asthma, ranging from a tight feeling in the chest and breathlessness to wheezing and inability to breath which is leading to a full blown asthma attack. If you are getting breathless on exertion in excess of what is usual for your fitness level it is important to seek medical opinions rather than online help as asthma is a life threatening disease if not controlled well.

What's the difference between asthma and bronchitis?

Asthma is allergic whereas bronchitis is infection of bronchi. Signs of asthma are wheezing and tightening of the chest. It is a medical emergency. Signs of bronchitis are fever, dry hacking cough, non-productive cough especially at night that becomes productive in 2 or more days.

What typical signs does asthma have?

The asthma sufferer will have shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. This is caused by bronchospasm or muscle tightening around the airways where the lining becomes inflamed.

Difficulty in breathing wheezing and swelling of the mucous membranes lining the bronchi are signs of?

bronchial asthma

Is Swine Flu more deadly to people with asthma?

kind of. i have asthma, its more easy to get if u have asthma if you start seeing signs of sickness ask your docter about Tamiflu he'll tell u about it. it supposed to prevent swine flu

What are some signs of asthma?

Signs of asthma include shortness of breath, wheezing, tightness in chest, and coughing. However, not every person has the same symptoms, and some people also go through long periods of time without experiencing any symptoms.

Is a post exercise cough, with no other signs or symptoms, enough to be considered asthma?

If the individual has never been diagnosed with asthma then the coughing experienced after working out would not be a sufficient amount of information for a doctor to make a diagnosis of asthma. The physician would suggest the patient keep records of any other time it is hard to breath or hard to catch their breath. Doctor would also provide the patient with information about asthma and other early warning signs.