

What exactly was the Whitewater scandal?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The Whitewater Scandal was a real estate controversy involving former President Bill Clinton and his Wife Hilary, it was something to do with the purchase of 220 acres to build the Whitewater Development Center, but things went wrong, most of Bill Clinton's associates were arrested for criminal activity.

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What was Clinton's Whitewater scandal?

The Clintons' Whitewater scandal was not much of a scandal. The Whitewater scandal was just an investigation into a fail business deal that the Clintons had invested a lot of money into.

What was the whitewater scandal about?

The Whitewater development was near Flippin, Arkansas, along the bank of the White River.

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Former President Bill Clinton was involved in the Whitewater affair. The Whitewater controversy was a scandal investigated between 1994 and 2000, concerning real estate investments in Arkansas involving the Clintons and their associates. Although multiple investigations were carried out, no charges were brought against the Clintons for any wrongdoing related to the Whitewater land deal.

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no it did not increase it. the scandal brought about mistrust of the government and made citizens think they had no say in the government. this can be related to the Vietnam war, the whitewater scandal or the Iran-contra

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Billygate was not a scandal during Clinton's presidency. It was a scandal under the Carter administration, in 1980.

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While it has other meanings- White Water or Whitewater was a finance company involved in a scandal in the Clinton administration, called, what else- WhiteWater, no gate needed! Two poliitcal scandals involving the word- Water.

Why did the whitewater scandal happen?

The Whitewater investigation began with investigations into the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, Jim and Susan McDougal in the Whitewater Development Corporation, a failed business venture in the 1970s and 1980s. David Hale, the source of criminal allegations against President Clinton in the Whitewater affair, claimed in November 1993 that Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, pressured him to provide an illegal $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal, the partner of the Clintons in the Whitewater land deal. The McDougal's were prosecuted for their dealings in the Whitewater venture, but the Clinton's were never indicted.

Where is the Whitewater Memorial Library in Whitewater located?

The address of the Whitewater Memorial Library is: 118 East Topeka, Whitewater, 67154 0009

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Nixon's White House Plumbers broke into the DNC offices at the Watergate building. That's why it's called "the Watergate Scandal." Not to be confused with "the Whitewater Scandal," which was about the Clintons.

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The address of the Whitewater Historical Society Museum is: 153 N Fremont St, Whitewater, WI 53190-5319

When was Whitewater Hotel created?

Whitewater Hotel was created in 1894.