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blood type -_-

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Q: What example describes an inherited trait that cannot be determined by observing an individual?
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What describes a good scientist?

a person who learns about the world by observing it.

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Can A planet's mass can be determined by observing it transit a star?


What describes scientist?

a person who learns about the world by observing it.

A dogs phenotype can be determined by?

In sexual reproduction, traits are determined by the alleles of an individual's genes inherited from their parent's cells after it has undergone meiosis. The alleles of the parents are randomly selected depending on the chromosomes of the sperm and ova which connect. The 24 pairs of resulting chromosomes in a new individual's cells (half from both parents) determine their traits as each chromosome with DNA and gene segments have traits. Whether the traits show up are resulting to the dominance of the alleles from the inherited chromosomes.

What best describes scientist?

a person who learns about the world by observing it.

Which point of view concerning growth and development best describes behavior changes as a result of observing people in various situations?

The social learning theory perspective best describes behavior changes as a result of observing people in various situations. This theory suggests that individuals learn through observation and modeling the behavior of others, leading to changes in their own behaviors. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of social interactions and relationships in shaping an individual's growth and development.

How can stellar masses be determined by observing binary star systems?

Stellar masses can be determined by observing binary star-systems. The calculations of the orbits of the binary stars allow the masses of their component stars to be directly determined, which in turn allows other stellar parameters, such as radius and density, to be indirectly estimated.

How can the chemical properties of a substance be determined?

The chemical properties of a substance can be determined through various methods such as analyzing its reactivity with other substances, conducting tests to identify its elements and functional groups, measuring its physical properties, and studying its behavior in different environments. Overall, a combination of experimental techniques, spectroscopic analysis, and theoretical calculations are often used to characterize the chemical properties of a substance.

What describes scientists' best idea about the formation and expansion of the universe?

A person who learns about the world by observing it

What is laboratory observations?

Laboratory Observation means observing the individual (s) in a laboratory setting, paying close attention to his/her reaction or behavior. Which is not as good as observing them in their natural environment. I'm a undergraduate Psychology major