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Q: What exercise is recommended for prevention of low back pain?
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When is psychotherapy recommended for patients with low back pain?

Psychotherapy is recommended for patients whose back pain is associated with a somatoform, anxiety, or depressive disorder.

What might have happened if you have a pain in your back and what should you do?

A good way to prevent this pain is by changing your posture. If you sit down grouching, this will give stress to your back. Also exercise for the right amount of time and eat a healthy diet. If your back pain is still causing you trouble, it will be best to talk to your doctor and try the medications recommended by them.

When is exercise not good for back and leg pain?

When it breaks them.

What is the difference between lower and upper back pain treatment?

Lower back pain treatment can mean anything from massages to medicine. Some medicines such as advil will help ease the pain. Some people also get massages to mollify discomfort.

My doctor has recommended laser back surgery, what are the risks associated with this?

The risks may include paralyzing or back pain

Comparison of the efficacy of aerobic exercise training and resistive exercise training in patient with chronic low back pain?

Talk to your doctor about it.

Is back and neck pain is cause by constipation?

I do not think so. Back and neck pain can be caused by anything. It can be old age. Sleeping the wrong way or not enough exercise

Is a small amount of back pain normal when you exercise?

It is best to wear a back support belt when exercising to avoid waist injury. Modern people are getting more and more prone to low back pain, so you must protect your waist. The website---lowerbackbelt has many quality guaranteed back braces. You can know many from the blogs of it.

Does inversion help lower back pain?

Inversion can do a little help to provide you with relief for back pain. However, it is not recommended for people with heart disease and blood pressure issue.

What are back pain exercises that work?

The following are some back exercises that work to relieve back pain; Spread eagle exercise which is done through lying with arms above the head, Pelvic exercise done by lying with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor and lastly by Hip twisting.

What are treatments for back pain relief?

Back brace-----safe,effective Medicine---May have side effects Relax and rest Massage There are many blogs about back pain relief in the website---lowerbackbelt

How do you treat back of the knee pain?

Pain in the back of the knee can be relieved simply by placing your leg in an elevated position and stretch it. Massage it whilst it is stretching for at least five minutes. Drinking lots of water will also aliviated the pain, as this will diminish the fluid around your knee. Pain in the back of the knee is simply a build up of fluid. Exercise at least once every hour. I found that dancing is a good form of exercise.