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Get a set of scales... they don't have to be extremely accurate, 0.1 or 0.01g accuracy should do.

Then get a balloon, weigh it, and record the weight

Then blow up the balloon, and weigh it again, it will be heavier... We did this experiment at school years ago

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Q: What experiment can test the theory that air has weight?
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How do you test if air has weight?

A method we used at university is quite simple. Take a very large inflatable ( we had a giant beach ball r = 3.5m). Use a pump to extract all air from it. Use precision scales top weigh the empty inflatable. Fill the inflatable with "air" using a pump (not your mouth!!) Again weigh the inflatable. You should notice a slight increase in the weight of the ball. It is possible to calculate the weight from the volume and the known values for the weight of air. This experiment is very basic and will never give you an accurate reading due to pressure on the ball when inflated etc.. but it is simple and shows something is there

When was An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump created?

An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump was created in 1768.

How do you find the weight of air?

When finding the mass of air, you need to have a test tube and a stopper. Measure the mass of the test tube and the stopper together. Then, make sure that the air gets in the the tube and put the stopper on. Recheck the mass of the air, test tube, and stopper and subtract just the tube and stopper from the newly recorded mass to find the mass of air.

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How would you design an experiment to test the effects of air pollution on plants?

Two identical sealed terrariums. One as a control, with a clean air envorinment. One with smog added. Then just compare the growth rate between the two.

Does air have weight?

Anything with mass has weight; air has mass, therefore it has weight.

What is the contribution of Henry Cavendish?

Henry Cavendish was a British scientist born on October 10, 1731. He is credited with discovering hydrogen, which he called inflammable air.

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IT IS A THEORY OR PREDICATION TO ASK QUESTIONS AND EXPLORE OPTIONS an example am I on a planet with a positive gravity I have a hypothesis that i am so to test this I drop an object and if it hits the ground then my hypothesis is valid if it floats in air then it is not valid and I have to rethink my hypothesis

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idea i no have