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The Industrial Revolution was in full swing. Many factory jobs were available for agricultural workers to have and thus move to the urban areas.…

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Q: What explains the urbanization of the US during the 1800's?
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How did the US during the 1800s?

By Immigration.

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By immigration.

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its a

Why did the US experience a market revolution after 1815?

Because of transportation and manufacturing, the face of American changed in the 1800s. Urbanization brought factories, growth, and numerous immigrants from Ireland and Germany.

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during the industrial expansion in the late 1800s

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Georgia and i do not know the rest sorry...

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The same as today, they lived in the same area. The winters were a little colder with more snowfall in the western half of the US during the 1800s.

What is the difference between urbanization and urbanization?

They are the same thing, and both are considered correct in the UK. Not sure about the US, but it's probably more likely to be written urbanization there.

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Are the changes in the US during the 1800s described as growing pains?

A. The new problems in the country were related to its growth.

Which took place in the US during the 1800s'?

War of 1812 Black Hawk War Civil War