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Rollin Wiegand

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Q: What external sources would you turn to for information relating to equal opportunity?
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Which external sources would you turn to for information relating to data protection?

Information comissonars office

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Which external sources would you turn to for information relating to access to work?

Denique Davis's Mum

Which external sources would you turn to for information relating equal oppertunities?

You can look to interviews and essays. These sources would be great for helping you to find the information you need.

Which external sources would you turn to for information relating to Health and Safety at Work?

Health and Safety Executive

Which external source would you turn for information relating to equal opportunities?

There are many external sources that one could turn to for information relating to equal opportunities. The Internet is one source, government agencies, and publications would also be helpful.

What external sources would you turn to for information relating to data protection?

An external source is any source or firm outside of your own business from which you may seek services. An example of an external source for info relating to data protection would be any data protection agency or the Information Commissioner's Office.

What is internal and external sources of information in marketing strategy?

Internal sources of information could be a database management system that is used by the company. Employees and management are also examples of internal sources of information. External sources are outside of the organization and harder and could include studies and market research.

Can anyone please give a few examples of internal and external sources of information?

internal sources are personnel, colleagues and the library whereas external sources can be consultants andservice providers and catalougues.

Which external source would you turn to for info relating to acess to work?

In the United Kingdom, there are external sources that can be contacted to help with access to work. This source is called the health and safety executive.

What is internal and external sources?

What is internal and external sources?

Where does the external information come from?

Most external information comes from secondary sources some of which include, government and private statistical departments and agencies, professional journals, media, etc.