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Q: What extracellular fluids is found in the ear?
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Identify the three major subdivision of extracellular fluid found in the body?

The body is made up of three major extracellular materials. These materials are; body fluids, cell secretions and extracellular matrix.

Which systems collects and begins disposal of extracellular fluids?


What is tissue binding in pharmacokinetics?

The fraction of total drug found in tissue. Usually referred to when higher drug concentrations are found in tissue than those of extracellular fluids and blood.

The most important regulator of electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids is?

The answer is Aldosterone. Accounts for >95% of the mineralocorticoid produced; the essential function of mineralocorticoids is to regulate the electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids, (Na+ and K+)

Extracellular fluids are characterized by relatively?

high sodium and low potassium concentrations

Fluids located outside a cell?

Extracellular fluid is fluid located outside a cell. The average person has about 19 liters of extracellular fluid in his body.

Why extracellular fluid is known to be the internal environment of body?

Extracellular fluid refers to all the fluids outside of our cells in our bodies. The term for the fluid inside of our cells is intracellular and refers to the cytoplasm. The fluids outside of our cells is referred to as extracellular because they are outside the cells. There are two different categories of extracellular fluids. The first is interstitial fluid which is the fluid that is in between our cells and tissues, and the other is plasma, which is found in our blood. The reason why this is called the internal environment is because this is the environment that our cells in our bodies live in. So the internal environment in our body is really the "sea" of fluids outside our cells that keeps them alive, hence their environment. This is much like the things outside of our bodies that are our environment that keeps us alive.

Difference between intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid?

Cytoplasm is the inner part of the cell or its the contents of the cell, which is surrounded by plasma membrane. While extracellular fluid is the fluid located outside of the cells and divided into 1.plasma in the blood vessel. 2.interstitial fluid between the cells.

What is the name of the pressure that forces fluids from capillaries into extracellular spaces?

Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure

What mineral helps regulate extracellular volume?

Sodium helps regulate extracellular volume. Sodium such as in blood plasma and extracellular fluids in other tissues, bathe cells and carry out transport functions for nutrients and wastes.

What are body fluids outside of cells called?

Normal fluid outside of the cells is extracellular or interstitial fluid. Abnormal accumulations of extracellular fluid is referred to as edema.