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It does not matter. Picking the "wrong" eyebrow does not mean a boy is gay or straight (I'm assuming that is why this question is being asked). Which ever side you think looks best, goes better with your features, or is more symmetrical with your other piercings.

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12y ago

The right, you don't want one side of your face cluttered.

but I would get an Anti-Eyebrow if I were you...

if you don't know what they are, look it up. They're pro.

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15y ago

What ever side looks best to you there are no right side left side issues.

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Q: What eyebrow should boys get pierced if they have an earring in the left?
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When do boys allowed to have eyebrow pircing?

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Why do Indian boys or men wear earring?

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What ear does boys get pierced?

Whichever one they want pierced. Don't listen to that crap about the "gay ear".

How old do boys have to be to get there ears pierced?

I think about 12

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You should wait till the boy is old enough to have a say himself. But it is not cruel

Do boys like eyebrow piercings on girls?

The answer differs from person to person but the eyebrow peircing on a women says "Im feminine but still bad ass" its a good time

You just pierced your earlobes you are a boy and go to a school were boys are not allowed to wear earrings what should you put in the newly pierced holes until it heals?

There is nothing you can do about it, It wasn't very smart though, just tell them it is new, and as soon as it is healed, you won't wear it to school!

Should ten year old boys get there ear pierced?

10 year old boys should be 10 year old boys, out in the dirt and mud doing what young boys do. The ear piercing can wait till he is in his teens and can decide if he really wants his ear done or not. At 10 there are other more pressing issues he needs to do and ear piercing isn't one of them. I don't think it is right for a 10 year boy to get his ears pierced. They are way to young and when they're older they won't want it at all. They will regret it once they already have it done.

Why should you get your ears pierced?

Ear piercing has been a known fashion for a very long time. Back in the day, they used to pierce girls ears to tell the difference between boys and girls. But now it's more of a fashion item. You should get them pierced if you like the look of pierced ears. Don't do it because someone influenced you. It also doesn't have any health benefits that I know of, so it is purely for beauty.

What age should a male have his ear pierced?

Its really up to the person who is getting the piercing. I've seen some boys as young as eight or nine with their ears pierced. I've also had male friends who got their ears pierced in their late teens.