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Diseases(small pox) because it spreaded and killed many people which weakened the empire

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Q: What factor played the biggest role in the Aztecs defeat?
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What is Aztecs entertainment?

The Aztecs played a ball game

What factor do you think played the biggest role in the Aztecs defeat?

There is often a "superior white people" argument that the Spainish technology/warrior skills or the fear of the return of Quetzalcoatl or even the "magic" of men on horses defeated the Aztec..These suppositions are being supplanted by data showing the Aztec land were having a mega drought reducing food supplies, weakening the people and making them easy victims for foreign diseases. The reduced population of sick and starving people were easily defeated.

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What game did the Aztecs played?

Ullamaliztl, Patoll, Totologue

What do the Aztecs do in their spare time?

i think they played games and when i warriors were not good enough they would cut their hearts out.

What best describes the role that horses played in the conquer of the Aztecs?

horses were large and powerful and the aztecs were terrified of them

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Arsenal's heaviest ever defeat was: Loughborough Town 8-0 Arsenal in a Second Division league match, played on the 12th December 1896.

What toys and games did the Aztecs have?

The Aztecs used wheels in children's toys such as small wheeled dogs made of pottery or occasionally obsidian.Some of the sports and games the Aztecs played were Tlachtli, Patolli, Ullamaliztli, or Totoloque.

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What did the ancient Aztecs do in their leisure time?

They played patoli board game