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Public awareness and support were the most decisive factors in eliminating opposition to the new green curriculum. As more people became educated about the benefits of environmental education, they advocated for its implementation, leading to broader acceptance and adoption of the curriculum. Political will and partnerships with key stakeholders also played a significant role in overcoming resistance.

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Q: What factor was most decisive in eliminating opposition to the new green curriculum?
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Will subject matter dictate the approach in curriculum?

Yes, subject matter often dictates the approach in curriculum design. Different subjects may require varying instructional strategies, assessment methods, and learning activities to effectively engage students and achieve desired learning outcomes. Therefore, it is important to tailor the curriculum approach to the specific needs and characteristics of the subject being taught.

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No, essentialist teachers prioritize teaching foundational knowledge and skills regardless of student interest. They believe in a core curriculum of essential subjects to provide a strong educational foundation for all students. Interest may be a factor in engaging students, but essentialists do not deviate from teaching the basics.

What is the link between Voltage and Form Factor?

Form factor is the ratio of root mean square value to the average value (v),form factor=R.M.S.V/A.V FF=0.707/0.631=1.11,for a.c

Can you get every number on the product board by multiply 2 numbers on the factor list?

Yes, every number on the product board can be obtained by multiplying two numbers from the factor list. This is because each number on the product board is the product of two numbers from the factor list.

What is the numerical factor when a term has a variable?

The numerical factor in a term with a variable is the coefficient. It is the number that multiplies the variable. For example, in the term 3x, the coefficient is 3.