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Q: What factors affect the osmotic pressure in the blood capillaries?
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Does concentration of plasma sodium ions affect the blood osmotic pressure?

yes, the higher number of plasma sodium ions the greater the osmotic pressure.

Changes in blood osmotic pressure would affect the levels of?

Antidiuretic hormone

How does potassium affect osmotic pressure?

same as other ions. Note that in your body potassium salts within cells balances the osmotic pressure of sodium salts in the extracellular fluid.

Changes in blood osmotic pressure would most affect the secretion of?

ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone)

What solution with the same osmotic pressure as body fluids is called?

Osmotic pressure = i x M x R x T i = van't Hoff factor The van't Hoff factors are: MgCl2 - i = 3 (Mg2+ and 2Cl-) NaCl - i = 2 (Na+ and Cl-) KBr - i = 2 (K+ and Br-) Glucose - i = 1 (doesn't ionize) MgCl2 has the greatest affect on osmotic pressure because it has the largest van't Hoff factor.

How would a fluid with a high solute concentration affect osmotic pressure when compared to water?

Fluid with a high solute concentration would be hyper-osmotic compared to water, and thus would be expected to exert osmotic pressure if separated from pure water with a semipermeable membrane.

How does electrolytes affect osmosis?

They add more solute particles into the solution and have a greater effect on osmotic pressure.

What are the factors affect air pressure?

Three factors that affect air pressure are temperature, altitude, and water vapor.

What are factors that affect gas pressure?

There are two factors that affect gas pressure. These factors are temperature and volume. Higher volume means lower pressure. Higher temperature means higher pressure.

What are the factors thet affect pressure?

The three main factors that affect pressure are altitude, temperature, and the existence of water vapor. All these factors work together to determine an increase or decrease in pressure.

What are the factors that influence the rate of binary fission?

The method of asexual reproduction in some single-celled eukaryotes is called binary fission. The factors that may affect this process are temperature, gas, pH, Osmotic pressure, Other factors, and microbial association.

What factors affects pressure?

There are two factors that affect gas pressure. These factors are temperature and volume. Higher volume means lower pressure. Higher temperature means higher pressure.