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Germanys growth was due to ample iron and coal resoureces and a disciplined and educated work.

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Q: What factors aided German economic growth in the late 1800s?
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How did an abundance of natural resources contribute to economic growth in the US in the late 1800s?

The United States was one of the largest free trade areas in the world and supporters of the Laissez-faire say these factors played a major role in the country's tremendous economic growth. High, tariffs, however, contradicted laissez-faire ideas.

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Some German immigrants came to America in the 1800's to escape persecution by the German government. Some faced harsh rule. In addition, they were looking for land and economic opportunities.

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People worked in unsafe conditions APEX

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The use of interchangeable parts. They developed in the late 1800s early 1900s thanks to Henry ford.

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