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Some German immigrants came to America in the 1800's to escape persecution by the German government. Some faced harsh rule. In addition, they were looking for land and economic opportunities.

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Q: Where did the Germans immigrate to in the 1800s?
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Why did Germans immigrate to America?

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Why did Germans immigrate the US?

Most of them came from Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1939. Those were German Jews.

Why did Germans emigrate?

Germans began to immigrate to the American colonies in the 1670s for religious freedom and the availability of land. They were being forced out of Europe because of land shortages and religious oppression.

Why do French people hate Germans?

It is a generalization to say that all French people hate Germans. Historical events such as World War II may have contributed to tensions between the two countries in the past, but attitudes toward Germany have improved over time. Like any relationship between two countries, there can be political, cultural, or historical reasons for any perceived animosity.

What did Germans wear in the 1800s?

Women wore tight corsets, lace. Men wore trousers and linen.